Barn Owl, Agden Wharf
Guests of Ringheye Morris of Mobberley/Knutsford
28th June 2017

Despite early showers (well, throwing it down, actually) the rain was barely a drizzle (though enough to cover instruments)

Teams gather prior to starting off

Ringheye First

Honest - they all DO have two legs, really

Thelwall Next, dancing The Furze Field (not one in background)

Leap together to form...

...two groups of three

The Music

Jasper (left) can't play Furze Field so stood out and kept warm.
John "Ben" Dover* holds umbrella over Pierre to protect from drizzle.
Del does an impersonation of Captain Condom

*Ben is Thelwall's nickname for John (obvious reasons)
He is musician for Earl of Stamford, who were also there (no photo taken - sorry, guys (and dolls))

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Photographs © Thelwall Morris Men
Webmaster: Andrew White
Last updated 29 June 2017