35th Annual General Meeting
2nd October 2008

Here is a selection of photographs from the 2008 AGM.
For more information about the awards visit the description or past winners pages.

Due to the high spirits of the evening (to be polite about it) there was no one good team photo (out of two).
Above is a blended composite of the two a-la-Paint Shop Pro.
L-R (Standing): Del, Dave, Jasper, Steve, Norman, Geoff, Rob, Mike, Arthur,  Henry, Andrew, Derek
(seated): Kevin, 

Bagman's Medal

To the band, but in particular the deserving Del

Dull Bugger

To Andrew for being able to miss weeks following an operation that remains unspoken about, then missing even more due to a knee injury obtained dancing with another team

Slippery Ferret

For no reasonable excuse for joining the team at the Ring Meeting for the evenings dancing

Silver Shoes (two left feet)

For a spectacular leap and landing on all fours during a display dance in Williamson Square, Liverpool




The former Slippery Gullet award has been renamed
"The Embarrassing Illness Award

It was very close run thing between Andrew, Del and Norman.

Norman won the award for... ...well ought not to say really 


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Photographs ©20074 Andrew White
Webmaster: Andrew White
Last updated 27 October 2014